I had a dream where I crossed a bridge. At the end of the bridge there were 3 black dogs waiting for me. All 3 different breeds. When I first stepped down from the bridge they let me pass, but one of the dogs bit my hand when I turned back and wanted to step back on the bridge.
In dreams, crossing a bridge often symbolizes a transition or journey in your own life. It may represent moving from one phase to another or crossing into new territory. The presence of three black dogs could indicate the existence of inner conflicts or different aspects of your personality. Each dog representing a different breed may signify different qualities, characteristics, or influences that are at play in your life. When the dogs initially let you pass, it suggests that you are able to navigate through this transition or journey without difficulty. However, the bite on your hand when you turned back indicates that there may be some resistance or consequences when you try to retreat or go back to a previous state. This could be a subconscious warning to avoid dwelling on past experiences or attempting to revert to familiar situations. It may be important for you to embrace the new path you are on and move forward, rather than trying to revert to old patterns or behaviors.